Boondooma Homestead

Establishment at Boondooma, Boondooma, QLD 4613, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Boondooma Homestead: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

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QLD 4613
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Reviews of Boondooma Homestead

    Wanda Taylor Taylor Added November 08, 2020
    A great place to stay with plenty of space for campers.
    Simon Brown Added October 23, 2020
    Being able to see the original condition of the homestead and its garden made the visit worthwhile. It was astounding to realise the extent to which pioneering Australians relied on their imported European traditions and manufactured goods, native practices and materials being dismissed as inferior.
    Suvendu Das Added October 21, 2020
    Boondooma Homestead was the centre of the original Boondooma Station, which was settled in 1846 by three young Scotsmen. It was originally bounded by the hill east of Proston, Brovinia Creek to the north, Darr Creek to the south, and the Dividing Range to the west – a total of nearly 1,000 square miles.
    The homestead is one of the few remaining examples of an elegant wooden home built 1854-55. Visitors can walk through several buildings constructed in the 1850s, and spend time in the gardens, enjoying trees and vines also dating from the 1850s.
    Many/some people find connections with family members who lived or worked on Boondooma Station in years gone by.
    Steve Traynor Added October 17, 2020
    Went out there in Feb and the night skies are amazing. We did some Astrophotography there and my comrade measured the night skies and they are "Gold level". The Milky way is calling.
    The cabins are ok not insulated by they have a pedistal fan for warmer times and plenty of blankets and linen supplied for cooler times although I suggest take more just in case mid winter.
    During the day there is so much to see onsite with old buildings and a museum.
    The people who run the place and their pals are so nice and hospitable.
    Plenty of facilities for cooking etc.
    A number of times a year festivals are held here with plenty of covered areas.
    Paul Brown Added October 13, 2020
    If you're into the grittier side of history, stories of the men and women who "came west" to build farms and lives, then this is a must see point of pilgrimage. An early Queensland sheep then cattle station where much of the history ... the buildings, objects, documents ... have been preserved and carefully curated. Highlights: a homestead built in the mid 19th century, stone store house (with floorboards scarred up with hobnails), a museum with maps and a fascinating photographic record, all on grounds with ample camping and parking. Friendly caretaker staff, knowledgable locals, and (to judge from the skins) BIG carpet snakes!

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Questions & Answers

1. What is the phone number for Boondooma Homestead

The phone number for Boondooma Homestead is .

2. Where is Boondooma Homestead located?

Boondooma Homestead is located at Boondooma Boondooma, QLD 4613.

3. Is there a primary contact for Boondooma Homestead

You can contact Boondooma Homestead by phone using number .

4. What is the web address (URL) for Boondooma Homestead

The website for Boondooma Homestead is .

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Today's weather in Boondooma QLD

16:00 21 1020 hPa 71 % 5 m/s 19:00 21 1020 hPa 74 % 4 m/s 22:00 20 1020 hPa 82 % 3 m/s

Tomorrow's weather in Boondooma QLD

01:00 20 1019 hPa 86 % 3 m/s 04:00 20 1018 hPa 89 % 3 m/s 07:00 20 1020 hPa 91 % 3 m/s 10:00 23 1020 hPa 78 % 4 m/s 13:00 25 1018 hPa 67 % 4 m/s 16:00 27 1016 hPa 54 % 6 m/s 19:00 22 1018 hPa 78 % 4 m/s 22:00 19 1019 hPa 96 % 3 m/s

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